Our Values

We strive to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves.


God’s Word:

We look to God’s Word for encouragement and direction as we seek to follow Him. We do this through teaching in our Sunday Services, Bible Studies, in our CapitalKids on Sunday mornings and in our small groups.


We value one another and seek to meet each other’s needs. We want each person to be seen and known and equipped to use their God given gifts to encourage and benefit the community. We value small groups and offer many opporunitites for the church as a whole to spend together.


We look to meet not only the needs of our church community, but those of our neighbors and friends. We make our building available to serve those in the West Seventh neighborhood and beyond. .

We would love to have you join us on mission at Capital City Church!

Our Story

In 1887, the congregation of Saint Mark built a church for people to gather for worship and service in the West Seventh neighborhood of Saint Paul. In 1920 this congregation moved to a new building on McBoal Street. After outgrowing that space, a new church was built at 550 West Seventh Street in 1955 where even more people could gather for worship and community. In August of 2024 Capital City Church purchased the building from the Saint Mark congregation. Currently two congregations use the space for worship on Sundays: Capital City Church and The Way. During the week, substance abuse programs hold meetings in the Social Hall. Communitas, a ministry for the unhoused also uses the Capital City Church Social Hall on a regular basis.

It is our hope as the new owners of this space to expand the impact this building can have on the West Seventh Community as we continue to worship Jesus together on Sundays, and look for ways to serve the needs of others in the neighborhood. 

Because of our desire to serve the Lord, and to keep this church building In the City for Good we are humbly, yet boldly asking people to come alongside us to pray and to give toward this end. 

It is our desire to pay off our mortgage quickly so we can use funds for ministry in the West Seventh Community.

If you choose to give, your gift would be fully tax deductible. You can send a check to:

Capital City Church

550 West Seventh Street

Saint Paul, MN 55102

Or click on this link to donate. DONATE HERE 
(Please select Capital Campaign 2024 in the menu bar.)